Tag: Ken Liu
50 Most Anticipated SFF Books of 2020
2020 looks to be another incredible year for new releases. The list below features diverse authors, self-published titles, long-anticipated sequels from established names, and fresh-faced debuts. ... -
The Wall of Storms by Ken Liu
“History is the long shadow cast by the past upon the future.” “Killing the emperor was easy. Building a world that is more just and persuading ... -
The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories by Ken Liu
“Time’s arrow is the loss of fidelity in compression. A sketch, not a photograph. A memory is a re-creation, precious because it is both more and ... -
The Grace of Kings by Ken Liu
“There’s never going to be an end to suffering if ‘he deserves it’ is all the justification people need for inflicting pain.” Ken Liu is known ...