Tag: Short Story
The Dead Man’s Crusade (Part One) by A.Z. Anthony
It was the place of lesser men to fear the dead. Harper was above their superstitions, was too great a man to fear the ancestors. Or ... -
Original Fiction: ‘The Girl Behind the Glass’ by Gavin G. Smith
London, June 28th, 1987 Neren used to love the band. She’d never spoken to anyone who knew who or what they were, not even Meg, and ... -
Original Fiction: ‘Entombed in Ice’ by Gavin G. Smith
The speakeasy was a shithole. Sabin had found it through an anonymous door and down a set of rickety steps in a basement under a butcher’s. ... -
Dead Man’s Bounty (Part Four) by T. Eric Bakutis
Read part one HERE, part two HERE and part three HERE. Arcasia took a look at the soldiers in exo-armor all around them and the large ... -
Dead Man’s Bounty (Part Three) by T. Eric Bakutis
Read part one HERE and part two HERE. Arcasia settled Bennett and pulled the stolen linkline from a jumpsuit pocket. She accessed Bennett’s PBA and compromised ... -
Dead Man’s Bounty (Part Two) by T. Eric Bakutis
Read part one HERE. Josef’s Avispon settled on a concrete helipad. An armored wall blazing with dozens of lights looked out over bare earth descending ... -
Dead Man’s Bounty (Part One) by T. Eric Bakutis
Arcasia Barondale woke to a cool rain tapping her leather jacket. She was on her back on a gravel roof, face sheltered by the wing ... -
Original Fiction: Neither Fruit nor Flesh by RJ Barker
It was a freak accident and everyone said so: the doctors who treated her, friends, even her family. Everyone. It was an ironic twist of fate, ... -
The Hammer and the Goat by Peter Newman
Covers count; every author knows this. Covers can make you buy books, they pose questions, raise mysteries – draw in the eye and the imagination. It ... -
Dragonship by J. P. Ashman
THE GOOD: Creative concept and one I have not seen before, executed with both style and grace – it could’ve been a shit storm of scales ...