Paternus: Wrath of Gods by Dyrk Ashton – COVER REVEAL
Hi everybody!
I’m absolutely thrilled to be here on the opening day of The Fantasy Hive. I’m very excited about this new site. Thank you, all you busy bees, and especially the queen bee herself, Laura M. Hughes, for having me.
Also thrilled to finally be able to show you all the cover for book two of the Paternus trilogy, Paternus: Wrath of Gods. I’ve been sitting on this for a while, dying for everyone to see it. Once again, the dream team of illustrator John Anthony Di Giovanni and designer Shawn King of STK have exceeded my expectations and then some. I hope you like it. I sure do.
In case you’re wondering, the guy with the flaming swords is Kabir. The cuddly green fella behind him, and the lady on the spine… can’t tell you, sorry!
But I did promise to announce the release date today as well, so here it is: July 10, 2018.
(Same day as Nicholas Eames’ highly anticipated follow-up to Kings of the Wyld, actually–which I have already pre-ordered and can’t wait to stuff in my eyeballs).
Speaking of pre-orders and such, I’ll be putting Wrath of Gods up for pre-order some time in April or May, and will announce that on all my social media platforms and to my newsletter mailing list. I’m posting the listing on Goodreads today as well, if you want to check it out there.
To celebrate, there’s a countdown deal on Amazon for book one, Paternus: Rise of Gods, going on right now. $.99 today, $1.99 tomorrow, etc., running for four days. Amazon is only letting me run it in the U.S. for now, but I hope to have one in the U.K. soon.
At the risk of sounding too promo-y, I’d also like to mention two fantasy anthologies coming out real soon. Lost Lore by the ‘Terrible Ten’ (though there are actually sixteen) will release on January 15, and’s Art of War on February 13. The first one will be free forever, and all the proceeds for the second go to benefit Doctors Without Borders. A ton of great authors in those, including some of the biggest names in fantasy today. How they let me in, I have no idea. (Both of my stories take place in the world of Paternus, by the way. Like how I snuck that in there? ;))
Enough out of me. Thank you for taking a look. I hope you enjoy all the wonderful features on The Fantasy Hive today and in the future, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
(Oh, and a huge thank you to Anthony Ryan for the epic cover quote!)
[…] Book 2, Paternus: Wrath of Gods is set to release on the 10th of July, 2018, and Dyrk has just revealed the cover over on The Fantasy Hive website. […]
Thank you Laura, and to all the good peeps at The Fantasy Hive. And thanks for all the kind comments, folks!
Any time, Dyrk. You might be a knucklehead, but you’re OUR knucklehead, dammit!
That’s right, dammit! … heeeeey…
So pretty ? want want want!
My immediate reaction too. GRABBY HANDS!
Stunning! JG-SK duo never fails to impress. Absolutely wow! Can’t wait for the book. Happy New Year!
It’s an amazing cover, for sure. Happy New Year, Anindita!