Deadmarsh Fey by Melika Dannese Lux – EXCERPT
Flesh and bone and hearts unknown, lead to the rath and your fate will be shown…
When wandering through a forest, one expects to see many things. Trees, squirrels, maybe even a bear…
A feast laid out solely for you in the middle of a clearing…
That last one shouldn’t have made the list, you say? Try telling that to Roger Knightley, then, for it is exactly what he stumbled upon while sojourning in the woods behind Deadmarsh.
Here, on this whimsical table, were found treats stuffed to bursting with enough luscious flavors to satisfy the cravings of a boy possessed of a sweet tooth the size of the North York Moors. How could he resist such a temptation? I feel safe in saying most anyone would find it difficult to do so…assuming you could actually seewhat had been set out to entice you. Forgot to mention that small detail. The feast is invisible, unless you look at it through a glass darkly, which, for Roger, means peering through the two halves of a cracked, milky blue moonstone known as The Eye of Arianrhod. Without this, there’d be no hope of piercing the glamour that hangs over such a fey place. But is it a glamour of enchantment?
Or of evil?
I invite you to read on and discover for yourself…
Excerpt from ‘Deadmarsh Fey’
Melika - Excerpt
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