Fantastic Insights 2020 Survey Results: Meet The Typical Fantasy Reader
One of the best things about the fantasy genre is the diverse nature of its readers. Young or old, rich or poor, the incredible worlds and stories to be found in fantasy novels appeal to people from all walks of life. But is there a type of person that fantasy appeals to most?
Thanks to a new survey of fantasy readers, we now have the data needed to answer this question. Using the information from the survey, we can create a picture of the typical fantasy reader.
Who is the typical fantasy reader?
Thanks to the Fantastic Insights survey, we know the typical fantasy reader is a woman in her 60s. We also know that she reads books in paperback and on her tablet or ereader. That’s because older readers reported a preference for reading devices with larger screens.
Or he’s a man in his 20s. He tends to read his books on his smartphone or in paperback form. That’s because smartphones are the most popular method of reading for fantasy readers under the age of 30. He’s also more likely than she to illegally download an ebook if he thinks it’s overpriced.
Obeying the law
Despite that, the majority of fantasy readers are law-abiding. Or claim to be. 62.50% of readers claiming to have never illegally downloaded a book.
This rises to 74.24% for women, and falls to just 45.18% for men. Readers of dark fantasy are most likely to illegally download ebooks, while readers of sword & sorcery are least likely.
More unites us than divides us
There are certainly big differences between our typical readers, but there is also plenty that unites them. For instance, they both think 5.99 is the most reasonable price for an ebook.
They also both prefer epic fantasy and, when choosing their next read, they pay more attention to recommendations from friends, family, and book bloggers than customer reviews.
But one thing that does divide them is their approach to modern values in fantasy novels.
Modern fantasy
This is a contentious topic: should fantasy reflect modern values? Or should it adhere to a perceived “accurate” representation of how women and minorities would have been treated in a fantasy setting?
While there are readers on both sides of the fence, overall 62% of fantasy readers believe that modern values should be reflected in fantasy novels. But this is an issue that divides our typical reader. Unsurprisingly, younger readers tend to be more open to modern values in their fantasy novels, while older readers are more than twice as likely to be opposed to them.
When asked for further comment on the matter, fantasy readers were more than happy to clarify.
“I think that fantasy books should be more about adventure than political correctness.”
“If you don’t use diversity in a fantasy novel, you’re artificially limiting yourself for no good reason.”
“Representation matters.”
And one reader said only, “Coco.” Make of that what you will.
More insights
The Fantastic Insights survey reveals much more about fantasy readers. For instance, did you know that people who read fantasy novels are more worried about climate change than those who do not? Or that 42% of readers claim to never read paperbacks or hardbacks?
You can find out more by downloading a copy of the Fantastic Insights 2020 survey report.
Do you match the typical reader? How do you differ? Let us know in the comments below!
[…] A study conducted by fantasy-hive found that the typical fantasy reader was a woman in her 60s, who reads books in paperback and on her tablet. or maybe on an ereader. […]