Author: T.O. Munro
The Thousand Names by Django Wexler
The first thing I noticed about The Thousand Names – after the distinctive cover – was the map. Now, it’s a fairly simple map, but I ... -
The Seven by Peter Newman
Seven is a magical number. Indeed, a 2014 survey found that seven is the world’s favourite number. Perhaps that is why the world of film and books has ... -
The Malice by Peter Newman
Peter Newman has followed up his remarkable debut The Vagrant with another exceptional tale: The Malice. In The Vagrant, Newman flouted convention with a present tense story of a protagonist ... -
The Hammer and the Goat by Peter Newman
Covers count; every author knows this. Covers can make you buy books, they pose questions, raise mysteries – draw in the eye and the imagination. It ... -
The Vagrant by Peter Newman
“Actions speak louder than words.” I heard Peter Newman speak at the Grim Gathering II in Bristol, where he gave a short summary of his book: ... -
The Iron Ship by K. M. McKinley
I started off intending to simply review K. M. McKinley’s steampunk fantasy novel. I was surprised at its relatively low number of Goodreads and Amazon reviews ... -
Arm of the Sphinx by Josiah Bancroft
Spoiler Warning: This review contains spoilers for Senlin Ascends. Please read with caution if you have yet to finish the first book! Having steadily accelerated in devouring Senlin Ascends (the ... -
Pretty Little Dead Girls by Mercedes M. Yardley
Pretty Little Dead Girls was the first of Ms Yardley’s books I ever read. I sort of flirted with the idea of buying it for quite a ... -
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black
I should confess that I am not a great aficionado of contemporary vampire stories. I’ve watched a few fragmentary episodes of Buffy, but I’ve have never read Twilight, ... -
Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft
This is an exceedingly rich book. A depth of imagination married with a poetic turn of phrase and an engaging cast of characters (both those we ...