The Girl with All the Gifts by M. R. Carey
This book’s blurb is as ominous as it is deliberately vague, and I’m not one for hedging and hinting. If you haven’t read this book yet ... -
World War Z by Max Brooks
Not everyone realises at first that the full title of this book is World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War. And so many people are ... -
Pet Sematary by Stephen King
Pet Sematary was one of the first ‘adult’ books I ever read. I must’ve been about thirteen years old when I got a bit tired of constantly ... -
Red Moon by Benjamin Percy
I’m not generally a huge fan of paranormal fiction, but Red Moon – a dystopian, post-apocalyptic horror-thriller – isn’t half bad. Set in something close to the present-day ... -
John Dies at the End by David Wong
This book has been on my radar for a while, and when I saw it in a charity chop for £2 I had to buy it. ...