Tag: tabletop games
The 2022 Australian Role Playing Industry Awards – GUEST POST by Jane Routley
The 2022 Australian Role Playing Industry Awards On the 17th of April 2022 ARPIA (the Australian Role Playing Industry Awards) held its 2nd award night at gaming ... -
Getting Into Warhammer 40K, Part 4: How to Build an Army (and Fight!)
This is gonna be a quick-and-dirty intro to how to play Warhammer 40K, which should hopefully be enough of a primer to help you understand what ... -
Getting Into Warhammer 40K, Part 3: Choosing Your Allies
Aaaand we’re back with more Warhammer! Be sure to check out Part 1 and Part 2 to get the full picture. Some Warhammer factions play nice ... -
One Word Kill by Mark Lawrence
Caution: review may contain spoilers. In Mark Lawrence’s gradual migration away from the world and characters of his debut novel Prince of Thorns, One Word Kill ... -
Tabletop Game Review: Betrayal at House on the Hill
Some people start their tabletop boardgaming careers with Settlers of Catan. For my Brooklyn group, it was Betrayal at House on the Hill. I don’t know ... -
Tabletop Game Review: One Night Ultimate Werewolf
As a tabletop gamer, you haven’t lived until you’ve watched your friends spiral into a paranoid breakdown and start aggressively pointing fingers at one another like ... -
Getting Into Warhammer 40K, Part 1: The Basics
I never liked Warhammer 40K because when I buy a game, I want to sit down and start playing. Warhammer is the opposite of that. Getting ... -
The Magic of Warhammer 40K
If you want to shoot 3d4 magic missiles and colorful sprays of light from your hands, you play D&D. If you want to burst open the ...