We’re super excited today to bring you the cover of The Far Wild by Alex Knight!
But wait!
This already has a cover? Filip Magnus reviewed this book, right?
Firstly, well remembered you clever bunch. Secondly, The Far Wild is being released in print! The audio book has had an excellent reception, but I am so excited to finally get my hands on a print copy of this book, which holds such a special place in my heart. I first started beta reading this novel way back when in 2017 – I can’t wait for you all to meet the glorious Senesio.
Before we can clap eyes on him though, whet your appetite with the official blurb:
An expedition gone awry.
Suni Koudounas is enamored with the wonders—and dangers—of the Far Wild. As a naturalist’s apprentice, she’s studied every book and expedition report about the miraculous wilderness. But when her mentor goes missing on expedition, Suni sets aside the Far Wild of ink and paper to venture after him into the primordial jungle.
A missing skyship.
As the empire’s most beloved adventurer—or most successful raconteur—Senesio Suleiman Nicolaou doesn’t want much. Wealth beyond measure, fame beyond reason and a small kingdom somewhere warm should be about enough. When news of the rescue mission reaches him, Senesio knows there’s no better opportunity to add to his living legend.
The most dangerous wilderness known to man.
With unexpected enemies above and monstrous predators in the jungles below, it’s up to Suni, Senesio and their companions to uncover the truth of what’s happening in the Far Wild. It’s a revelation that will shake the empire to its core and reshape the lives of all involved—assuming, of course, they don’t all get eaten first.
And now for the main event…
Cover art by Viktor Toth. Cover typography and layout by Bandrei on 99Designs.
Hands up who loves reptiles!
It’s even smiling at you – you can’t get more welcoming than that! I was so excited when Alex shared this cover with me, I believe it does a wonderful job encapsulating the sense of adventure which pounds through this book.
Let’s hear from Alex what he thinks:
I wanted the cover of The Far Wild to capture the essence of the book itself—the mood, you could say. When a potential reader looked at it, I wanted them to feel what they would when reading: wild adventure, thrilling suspense, and an ever-increasing likelihood of being eaten alive. You know, those simple things in life we all strive for?
Viktor absolutely knocked it out of the park with this art. I gave him pretty much the same brief as above and he took my paltry words and wove them into visual magic. It is no mean feat, after all, to accurately capture the legendary likeness of Senesio himself, but somehow, Viktor has not only achieved it, he’s excelled! In fact, I ran the cover by Senesio prior to the reveal and his comments were as follows:
“Ah, how I miss those boots. It was a tragedy what the terror birds did to them. Oh, uh, yes—it is a fine painting. Properly captures the majesty of my mustache, which few have thus far managed. Truth be told, though, the lizard was far larger than pictured.”
The Far Wild will be released on 29th March 2022 and is available to pre-order.
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