Women in SFF 2022 Week 4 WRAP UP
And just like that, we’re at our last wrap post!
Somehow, we’ve reached the end of the month already, and it’s been another fantastic Women in SFF. As ever, we’re immensely grateful to our contributors for making the site all it is. We owe a huge thank you to all the fantastic women in sff who have written guest posts and answered interviews and agreed to take part in our feature. And finally, we’re hugely humbled by and grateful to the sff community for joining in and supporting the feature. We love seeing your responses and reading your comments!
So, let’s take a look at the last week in Women in SFF…
We’re going to kick the wrap-up off with reviews, as that’s what we’re all here for really, right? Finding those books to add to our TBR!
Nils @ the Hive: Notorious Sorcerer by Davinia Evans
Azrah @bookish_az: The Final Strife by Saara El Arifi
Suzanne @spellbound_by_books: Storm Echo by Nalini Singh
Caitlyn @realmsofmymind: The Book of Gothel by Mary McMyne
Carla @mystormingbooks: The Book of Perilous Dishes by Doina Rusti
Julia @julia.kitvaria.sarene: Opening Gambit by Tilly Wallace
Kevin @Kevinscorner: Ledge by Stacey McEwan
Julia @julia.kitvaria.sarene: The Pact by J E Hannaford
Aislin @Aislinreads: The Blood Trials by N E Davenport
Kevin @Kevinscorner: Storm and Shield by J D Evans
Posts, Articles and Threads
There were plenty of ways we all celebrated Women in SFF this week –
- We interviewed Juno Dawson on her highly anticipated Her Majesty’s Royal Coven
- Nils interviewed The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy author Megan Bannen
- HellSans author Ever Dundas also joined Nils for an interview
- Lucy interviewed Olivie Blake, author of The Atlas Six
- Nils interviewed Tanvi Berwah about her upcoming novel Monsters Born and Made
- Rebecca Zahabi joined us for an interview with Nils about her novel The Collarbound
- Julia gave us a comprehensive update of her favourite women in SFF
- For our final blogger tag, we created the puzzle game Readle!
The answers are:
Beth – Her Majesty’s Royal Coven by Juno Dawson
Jonathan – Sistersong by Lucy Holland
Nils – The Sword of Kaigen by M L Wang
Theo – The Fifth Season by N K Jemisin
Photo Challenge
And finally, the photo challenge. This year, we scaled it back with only the three prompts a week, but the response has been bigger than ever!
Mon 25th: ‘When you Wish Upon a Star’
Female author(s) you’d love to meet
Wed 27th: Queen of Fantasy and/or Sci-fi
Fri 29th: ‘I Will Die on this Hill’
A book you want to make everyone read
Sun 31st: Bonus – ‘Creme de la Creme’
Favourite Women in SFF read
That’s it for this year’s Women in SFF!