The Black Lung Captain by Chris Wooding
It’s been a year since I read the first Ketty Jay novel, Retribution Falls, and to be honest I can barely remember a thing about it. I re-read my own ... -
John Dies at the End by David Wong
This book has been on my radar for a while, and when I saw it in a charity chop for £2 I had to buy it. ... -
The Black Prism by Brent Weeks
Brent Weeks’ Night Angel trilogy left me underwhelmed with the way things were concluded, and with the trilogy in general. Some of the characters were great, while others ... -
Valley of Embers by Steven Kelliher
“Tough to be young or old in this Valley of ours.” The night is dark and full of terrors, especially for the besieged inhabitants of the ... -
Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding
I read a lot of this book on my commute to and from work, and other books I’ve read recently have suffered for this, partly because ... -
The Grey Bastards by Jonathan French
I have a bone to pick with you, Jonathan French, aka. author of The Grey Bastards. You, sir, owe me a great many hours of sleep; ... -
The Red Knight by Miles Cameron
J. P. ASHMAN SAYS . . . Wow! A friend recommended this to me and oh how well he knows me. The Red Knight is a ... -
Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings
I have to start by admitting that I struggle a little when reading ‘classic’ fantasy. The reason for this is probably my age: I’ve (more or ... -
Boneshaker by Cherie Priest
Let me start by saying that this is most definitely not a zombie novel, although it is sometimes marketed as such. I picked this book up thinking “zombies? ...